

Mike Hurley broke out the night stick and set the record straight yesterday. Wow, that was impressive. Brandon Curtis backed up last weeks win with a 2nd to prove he's no fluke. Everette and Dmac ran their weekly clinic in 3/4 race and then Dmac goes on to take 5th in the 1/2/3 race ahead of Mr. Eric Murphy...What's the old saying?-been baggin' long?
ERA-Oxford realty guys along with TRIA Market pulled together to really pull this show off at Avondale park, nice work. I was astounded with the amount of people that pulled together to help us with this race. So many showed up Sat. to set up, I didn't have enough tools for all the hands! AWESOME!!! Thanks B'ham bicycle community.
I want to say a special thanks to Jerry Griffies and Stephen Erickson who seemed to possess as much or more passion than myself for this race.
Ted Bowling took some truly amazing pictures of the races, I mean these are some of the most captivating shots I've seen of any sporting event. If you want to sell your shots to athletes this is what they should look like : http://tedbowling.smugmug.com/Sports/410359
sidetrackedmag.com was also onsite to cover our sport with some quality shots as well. Bert says they should have video of the past 2 races up soon, so keep a lookie on their site!
Jeff Dorminey got some great shots as well that are here.
Have to hand it to Hurley, made the rest of us look like little girls, great job Hurley. And great job to the guys from Tria and ERA for a great venue.
Avondale was awesome! Congratulations to everyone who helped. Those were the best two races I have had all year. I am not sure how, but I actually rode faster on the second race! It sure didn't feel like it though. Can't wait for next week.
I hope the Avondale race finds a permanent place on the calendar.
Big kudos to Brent for designing a great course.
Better late than - thanks to you guys for racing hard too. I wanted that win bad and worked hard to get it and it was some great fun. I look forward to it next year.
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