Tuesday, October 09, 2007


in an attempt to please the results seekers and my boss all at the same time...please view scans of the results sheets until thursday when my workload decreases about 1%. click em and print em.


HH said...

Wow, the internet is wild. I recognized the photo on the front page. It is one taken by one of my kids with my camera. I posted it on a on my hastily created mac webpage that still totally rough. How on earth did it get here? (I did pass on a link to the site to two friends.) I wish I got a pic of folks slogging though the mud as you'd get better feel for the difficulty and scale if you saw people sunk 4 inches deep in the muck.

mogley said...

chuck norris tells me everything. i know what you're thinking right now...you're sick!

leven said...

Man, I sure do have some bad luck when it comes to results! Chris Leven is #211 in the Bs race.

Euro Poon said...

How about instead of taking $7 from each entry fee to payout the A's, we just use it to pay for Mr. Rods cross school tuition?....he really needs it.
-Euro Poon