1. ALABAMA juniors race for free. we failed to clarify on some of the flyers.
2.A category payout for the individual races will be derived using the same formula as last year- $7 from all entry fees will be used for the payout bank. The bank will be split in half to provide a mens and womens payout. A payout is 5 deep as follows:40%,30%,15%,10%,5%.
A racers: the more of your non-A race buddies you bring...
I will post the full series rules and regulations close enough to race time that you won't have time to complain.
I am stoked for the first races. We even have some fall-like weather this morning. Bring it!
you should have a red jersey for the series leader of dead friggin last. we can be just like the tour.
I need podium girls to spray champagne on!
euro poon is gonna sweep the A's and take home the cheese
yee haw git r dun
*NEWS FLASH*...Euro Poon will destroy the A's!!!
I'll be teaching a 7 Sunday Cross Clinic this fall for anyone who would like to learn a little. No need for the rest of the A's to show up... I've already schooled them before.
Mr. Rod,
Come Sunday I shall put you to the ultimate test. Prepare to go back to school.
-Euro Poon
I'm loading up the "pimp" hand and I'm ready to dish out some "4 knuckle tattoes" and dot some eyes.
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