images by Alan Barton
What does that mean? I guess true as in true for what we typically experience the last two races of the year, or true for what we see all year long from the cross crazy regions of the world. I found out why a cross bike is used for cross yesterday by "racing" my mountain bike. It felt like I was pedalling on a slip and slide for 30 min.
We saw some impressive performances yesterday starting off with Sam Porter doin what he do on a single speed, as usual Clayton and Lee were there to keep him honest. Wait we didn't start off that way...we started off with Peter Dudle DESTROYING the masters field. Hardwick Gregg cruised to another win in the masters 45+. Will Faulk was back to his winning ways with Trevor West nipping at his heels in the Juniors. Savannah Meredith, LISTEN UP ALL YOU GIRLS WHO DIDN'T RACE , Savannah Meredith is your huckleberry! 10 yrs old and killing it in the cold, rain and mud - booyah!
Hardwick Gregg killed it in the 3/4 race throttling the younguns once again (he didn't touch the big ring - (hint, hint). Stacey Davis was unstoppable once again in the women's 1/2/3's while Lisa Trainor broke the tie in the 4's with an impressive win.
Peter Dudle flew out of the gates in the men's 1/2/3 race and held a 1:10 gap on Mike Lackey over halfway through the race. With 2 laps to go Mike Lackey finally figured out how to ride the mud while Peter started to feel the masters race in his legs. Lackey closed to gap down to :30 seconds in one lap and hit the turbo soloing in for his first elite cross victory.
Now we have two weeks to catch our breath, do the math and figure out what kind of superhuman effort it will take to get on the podium in Cullman.
Another good race. Chain Reaction put on not one but two great races this year. It's hard enough to do one. I'm humbled. Thanks for the effort this year. On to Cullman! Can't wait for the Techno music and another great Bamacross venue.
great course enhanced by fortunate weather! we'll have to work hard to make cullman memorable after that!
Definitely a true cross race. Hardest race this year by far, at least for me. Legs are still burning. I'm praying for a drought and some ever typical, yet unseasonably warm weather b/t now a Cullman!
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