I had a blast as usual, thanks Wig. There were a few of you who had questions/concerns on results (shocker) - email me, marshallbrent at gmail dot com
It looks like there were (3) lapped riders shown in the top finishing order (CX4). They were placed 6th, 8th and 9th - #'s 1574,1515 & 1567.
Thanks to everyone for coming out, racers, spectators and sponsors. I think I got a sunburn setting the course up this week. I hope everyone enoyed. On to Montgomery!
it was a sufferfest for sure. i will be be 'chicken dancing' in montgomery if there is no hippy music playing.
Awesome show Wig! The course was perfect. Hard. Steep. Fast. Running. Sand. Barriers. What more can you ask for? Only 363 more days until the next one!
I thought the course was one of the best. The run up was classic shouldering style. The turns were wide enough to rail and the sandpit...sucked so perfectly.
Beer feedzone wasn't sitting so well, this created a whole new struggle the last two laps for me.
I had a great time racing and remember what I was supposed to be missing about racing - the pain, laughing at others, others laughing at me, the 3 min. of excercise induced euphoria you only get after punishing yourself.
So badass. Thanks once again to Wig for doin what he do.
Loved the course Wig! The forced dismount at the bottom of the hill was a nice touch - me likes...
That photo rules in many ways.
lapped riders need to check in with the refs at the finish. You know who you are. help an official out.
Race was a blast! loved the course! singlespeed friendly will try to ride the sand next year.
:( missing bama cross racing sucks! y'all have fun out there...
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