Thursday, May 01, 2008


tell me which course was your favorite and why. what elements would you like to see incorporated?


jacobtubbs said...


1. it's 5 minutes from my house
2. it's fan friendly
3. it was just cool - stairs, trails, paths, etc.
4. it had a better setup and layout.

2nd place would be Cullman - this year was great (better than last year).

privateer said...

West Oxmoor, Avondale, and Cullman were my favorites. But I think ALL the courses had something unique and sadistic to offer. (Caveat I wasn't at Tuscaloosa.)

Honorable mention to Anniston's Climber's Cross, even though it did not play to my relative strengths.

beaker said...

I know this doesn't answer the question, but the thing I liked the most about the courses I raced was that they were all different. I guess I like something unique in each course to keep it interesting:

-Oxmoor's creek crossing
-Avondale's stairs
-Prattville's twists and sand pit
-The bog at Montgomery (which wasn't very boggy this year)

Maaike said...

I liked most of the courses. My favorites were:

- Oxmoor because it was my first (all firsts are special :-))
- Avondale because of the stairs and spectator-friendliness
- Tuscaloosa because of the decorations
- I don't remember whether it was Montgomery or Prattville, but the one with the grassy left-right up-down whoopty-whoops...

My least favorite was Anniston because it was too long, but the barn was pretty awesome though. I felt crappy that day, maybe that's why I didn't like it much either...

jdorminey said...

Any and ALL In ALABAMA, But of course I liked the one in Montgomery!

Bart said...

Avondale was my favorite, then the Gump. That being said all the courses this year were great. They all had their own unique personalities. I would like to see more in the Bham area with some ads in the weekly free papers or flyers. George Ward park maybe?? It would be cool to have a ton of spectators.

mogley said...

you are officialy in charge of advertising for 08. congrats mate.

HH said...

The best one was Anniston, of course, because sponsors were the best. It was least fan friendly, and maybe that could be improved a bit next year (replace dam section with some zig-zag's across field near sand pit).

Loved Oxmoor (but 1-2 dismounts too many) and Tuscaloosa.

My personal favorite was Avondale. Next year we need to get a band playing in amphitheater.

Missed Montgomery and Prattville.

I'm hoping you can get all locations back this year. The cross series was the best bicycle sport series in the state.

Love that Jim & Nick's too.

Betsy A. said...

I liked Oxmoor, but I thought that it required too many dismounts. I would like to see true cyclocross courses as opposed to "how many cool things can we throw in" courses. You can make the courses however you want, but a cyclocross course isn't supposed to have more than six dismounts, and difficult sections are supposed to have a little bit of recovery time following them. Also, I think that the CX 4 women should race for thirty minutes like the CX 4 men, not for forty five minutes.