Well, It's come to an end. The Bamacross Series shot it's final round yesterday in Cullman and it went out with style. I truly enjoyed the entire experience and I hope all of you did as well. It is so fulfilling to see people who you've ridden with a hundred times, but never seen racing, show up at the cross races with a smile. I'm also very proud to have 3 new race promoters in the state who did a ton of work and pulled off top notch events. We will be back for '07, bigger and badder. If you are a potential sponsor or know of one who would like to be part of a series like BAMACROSS, I'm all ears. That is one thing we were lacking this year - sponsorship dollars. All of the races were funded primarily by race entry fees. This left a big empty spot for series final payout and prizes. We should be able to pull in a title sponsor for next year to sweeten the pot.
I also want to devote an entire paragraph to say thank you to Jeff Haines. Not many people recognize Jeff buried in his laptop at registration. He does a flawless job that is a beast. He just knows what to do and he gets r done. If I'm promoting a race and Jeff can't show...I freak out! Thanks Jeff!!!!!!!
We went through the entire series with only a few hiccups...well, I made one yesterday. I failed to tally double points for the races and apply that to the series final. This should have placed Bart Davidson in 3rd place for the "c" series. Sorry Bart. I'll record on the final scoresheet and get you an appropriate prize.
If you have questions,Comments, Advise,Complaints...Leave them in the comment box.
PS. send me those pictures!!!