I have the series points totaled out in a spreadsheet...now if I could just get it onto blogger. Check back later.
Masters 35+
- Ross Mitchell
- Patrick Porteous
- Curtis Cupp
- David Hiott
- Cayce Cherry
Masters 45+
- John Dorminey
Mens 4/5
- Jacob Tubbs
- Lee Gravlee
- David Todd
- Chris Woods
- Carl Viars
- Ray Fernandez
- Ben Chuang
Women 4/5
- Brooke Henderson
- Lisa Geyer
- Sally Gonder
Mens 3/4
- Jim Brock
- David Mcneal
- Tony Esposito
- Brandon Curtis
- Chris Boothe
- Dusty Davis
- Matthew Johnson
- Patrick Wigley
- Ross Mitchell
- Darin Sims
- Brent Marshall
- Jacob Tubbs
Womens 1/2/3
- Kelly Bownes
Mens 1/2/3
- Mike Hurley
- Jarrod Dorminey
- Will Fyfe
- Travis Sherman
Its hard to get fired up for 1st place when its just 4 of us. Wheres the dang cycling scene? I know there are more peeps out there.
I know that its hard to get excited when only a few people come out and race, but this is only the first year of the Bama Cross series. Back in 2001, the first year of the Georgia Cross series, Jerrod ,myself and a few others from the Montgomery area would venture over and do those races ,and there crowds were also very small, but now there series has really grown. Last year I really got tired of getting up @ 3:30 A.M, driving to Georgia to race for 45 min. than drive back 3-4 hrs. When Brent decided on having the Bama cross series I jumped on the train. And the ones of us who were going to Georgia this year made the commitment to stay in Alabama and fully support the Bama series knowing that the crowds would be small. It is my hope that this series will only continue to grow in future years and that Alabama will have a cross series second to none, and having said that, we are off to a great start with races in Leeds, Anniston, Montgomery and Cullman. I also know of at least one other team wanting to host a race next year Its going to be up to us ( the racers) to support the races for this to happen. I know that everyone who participates in these races is really talking it up to fellow cyclist telling them how much fun cross is and trying to get as many people out to race That what’s its going to take. So from a person who’s team is promoting one of these races, I want to say THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT AND HOPE SEE ALL AT THE NEXT RACE.
Jeff Dorminey
I've been really pleased with the turnout. The B class has been hotly contested and this is where the A racers are grown from. Jerrod moved up this week and showed his class. Next it will be Everette and Dave Mcneal and Tony Esposito and so on... As long as these guys get more and more experience the elite class will flourish. Besides...Will F. is only 10pts behind you...don't get sick.
Ahhh (言以中國口音) 障礙跳躍者老十字架說法他是快速的是快速的在問題上多麼大人群。
Ahhh ( say with Chinese accent ) barrier hopper , old cross saying he who is fast is fast on matter how large the crowd.
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