Tuesday, September 19, 2006


For the first (3) races at Leeds Horse Park, We will be parking @ Leeds Memorial Park. The park is located right off of Hwy 119. Turn into park on Helen Street. Drive until you see softball/baseball fields on the left, this will be the parking area. There is a cul de sac near this parking lot where the path to the horse park starts. It is approx. 1/2 mi. walk/ride to the course (good warm up trail). Here is a google map link to the park http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Helen+Street,+Leeds,+AL&ie=UTF8&z=13&ll=33.544256,-86.561108&spn=0.062666,0.171661&om=1&iwloc=A


Jerry G. said...

muchos gracious...

mogley said...

it is what it is. better than no race at all,no?

HurleyO said...

ill walk/crawl/ride as far as I have to display my dominace and to drink the free beer that Brent is supplying

HurleyO said...

it would be nice to have a better lay of the course

mogley said...

you'll get a nice "lay" of the course on sunday, sucka.