2006 Alabama Cyclocross Series
Presented By GC Cycling
Leeds,Anniston, Montgomery and possibly 1 event in Trussville
USAC permit pending
The courses will be a challenging mix of creek crossings, twists, turns, ups, downs, power sections surface transitions and MUD!!!. These venues are VERY spectator friendly.
Races will start @ 10am with the masters. The last race will be at 12:45 with the 1/2/3's going off for 60 min.Remember: new cx categories will be used (check your usac license)
Men 1/2/3 will be paid $7 per rider; Women 1/2/3 will be paid $7 per rider. Payouts will be 5 deep as follows: 1st 30%, 2nd 25%, 3rd 20%, 4th 15%, and 5th 10%
Registration/Eligibility: Race Day registration opens at 9:00 am and closes 15 min. before each race start. $10 Fee for one day USAC license. Juniors must have parents’ signature on release form. To register by mail, send standard USAC release form and payment (check payable to: GC Cycling) to Brent Marshall 4304 7th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35222.
Notes: Cross bikes, Mountain bikes (without bar ends) and road bikes may be used for this event. No recumbants. Helmets are mandatory, even when warming up.
Results: Results will be posted @ http://www.gccycling.org/ Amenities: Food provided by Tracy’s cafeteria.
Sponsored by: Birmingham Bicycle Company, Bob’s Bikes, Cahaba Cycles and Homewood Cycle and Fitness, Piggly Wiggly, E Box, Auditec, Tracy’s Homemade Casseroles, Gravelee Fitness and Transitions Multisport Cycle Escape and Wig's Wheels.
For more information: Contact Brent Marshall at marshallbrent@gmail.com 205-229-1026 or Lee Gravlee @ lgravlee@gravleefitness.com or 205-910-6940.
DIRECTIONS see later post
I might even have some gears this year. WooHoo!!
Hurleys heat sure to keep the competition really warm. THis will not be easy. Be prepared to work!
Im siked to know that the trash talk and good races are coming - we R going to have some good times.
I hope the weather is super inclement.
trav, i should see my cross bike in a few weeks - lets get together somewhere and roll some power lines or somethin
travis- 1 hurley- o
hurley gets crushed in the opening round of smack talk and goes all limp on us...big disappointment!
looks like the 1/2/3 race will have some out of town heat. not disclosing names but the temp will be HOT!!!
Brent is that how youll try to break down th lil one - its no wonder she will own you - you better work on those skillz
NAscar on bikes - I love it. You guys know I can bunny hop 36" right? That = me riding over you when you faulter from the on slaught of attacks I WILL be laying down 30sec recovery from mx effort then go again = 1st pl
stunned and amazed - Travis will not be in attendance this weekend.
Its everyones duty to pile the S$#@! on him next time out. Auburn games weighs in more. We know who the true cyclist are now.
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