Monday, December 08, 2008

BAMACROSS 2008 in the books

The girls of BBC-BOOKOO representing for the team competition winners. Look at that trophy! The Avondale stone rivals that Paris-Roubaix cobble stone thing anyday.

The Men's 1/2/3 final race podium.

Tears and Beers, it's over. I'll post some thanks and praise later along with the results. Some photo links for now:


privateer said...

They should have been kissing it.

Men's A race was a pretty rad way for the season to end. DMac gets the award for most aggressive rider.

The CCC brought it.

privateer said...

cool photos

Women, Men's B, Men's A

megabeth said...

First season of cross for me and I had a blast. Thanks for putting on the races, it is a lot of hard work. My request for next year is a bubble machine!

Maaike said...

I second the bubble machine idea!

Also, thanks Brent, for doing all you've been doing.

Finally, the Avondale Stone was photographed with all women because our top dawg was still racin': Will Fyfe brought in the majority of the points this season! Other main contributors were women_1/2/3 winner Heather Ladd and Masters 35+ podium occupyer Steve Erickson. And let's not forget Everett and DMac bringing it on in a couple of races, and then us other minions that are maybe not scoring major points but are having a blast playing in the mud. Let's just say we have a 'broad base', like the team trophy this year!